Saturday, June 28, 2008

Happy 1 month Andrew!

TiTi loves to bake! For Riley and now Andrew's 1st month birthday she baked FUNFEITTI!! YUMMY! Thanks T!

We always enjoy our evening with the Cotes and Antinellis. They have become such good friends over the past year. It seems like we have been friends forever (isn't that a Saved by the Bell song?)... but it has only been a year. From the Newtown Ice Cream Shop... going our to breakfast at the Sycamore... dinner at each others houses... I am realizing that food is really what is holding our friendships together. When our bellies are happy and we are happy! Hopefully our friendships continue to grow and not our pants size!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Merry Go Round

We meet up with some of the mommies and daddies from our mommy group in Ridgefield to go to the carnival and out to dinner. Walking around the carnival and looking at all the rides that one day we can go on... Riley didn't meet the height requirement even on her tip toes. But we were able to go on the Merry Go Round! These are photos from her 1st Merry Go Round ride!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Summer Starts Here

Saturday night about 40 of our friends came over to show Riley how a Summer Kick Off party should be. This was Riley's 1st "real" party. She had so much fun hanging out with everyone and being passed around for kisses. Then she ate under the Hooter Hider for a while before being woken up because TiTi had to go to the bathroom. Then she was up... she was happy as a clam and wide awake the rest of the night.

A bunch of the babies from the baby group came with their parents. (there are a few missing from the photo below who were at the party) The joke among many of our friends was that they were going to run to the Big Y to buy a baby quickly because there were sooo many babies at the party. It gave a new meaning to being "on the bottle" all night.

There were not just babies at the party. The party had family, friends from Meeting Hill and Rockwell, neighbors and friend we grew up with. We were very well represented. Friends and family were able to meet each other and enjoy the evening together.

We think everyone thought the party was a we think. But we realized now there is a new definition of having fun at parties. It used to be if the cops were called or you passed out it was a great party. Now the party started earlier...around 5. Then the babies left around 10... The ones with kids around 11... The couples around 12... And we all could wake up the next day happy and refreshed. Now thats a good party. The times they are a changing...speaking of to change Riley's diaper again! See you at the next party!

p.s. Look at Riley's first game of Beirut! House Rules: The baby always WINS!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Kisses from the Brady

Riley loves the Brady. We like to sing the song BINGO...but instead sing it as "There was a girl who had a dog and Brady was her name-o. B R A D Y..." You get the point. She loves the Brady! I have also come more to see that Ryan really is not a dog person. I wish he was! I am not saying I want a dog right now...but someday I am going to want a dog living in our house. Going to visit the Brady, Mia Cote, Brita and all of the other dogs in the neighborhood is not the same as having a dog of your own. Maybe one day Ryan will be a dog person or at least go with it to give his little girl the dog that she is already dreaming of. Look how much she loves the Brady!

Summer Playgroup

Riley looking around at playgroup during everyone's favorite... BELLY TIME!

Now that it is getting warmer PLAYGROUP in finding a new the pool.

Some of us thought the pool was too chilly to go in. (or we were just not ready to put on everyone's favorite thing after having a baby... a bathing suit!) So we just decided to play on the fun play mat inside!

Fun times with the babies and mommies!


I am not too sure about Riley becoming too close with my college ROOMIE Meris... I remember talking with my parents' college roommate and getting all the good dirt on them. And with Meris...well we have plenty of stories. The day Riley asks why I have a red bump on my nose...I will give her a nice answer like it just appeared and steer her clear of the girl who elbowed me and broke it years ago to find out the real story.

Come OOOOOONNNN! Cheers to Jimmy for dealing with water being poured on his head everytime he tried to leave the house.

Roommate photo shoot! Riley will end up hearing a few of the stories relived I am sure. Like how Brady came to visit and pooped in someone's room...HA! Other stories we should screen from her until she is older...much older! Bomber Burritos RULE!

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Everything is a new discovery for Riley right now. I lay her on her mat and she gets so excited to see all the hanging toys hanging above her. She coos with such excitement, like she is greeting each of the stuffed animals for the 1st time.

Last week she was rolling over from her belly to back all the time. This week she is taking every moment to roll from her back to belly. The only problem is I think she forgot how to roll from belly to back now because now after she rolls over and is done playing on her belly she flips out not knowing how to get on her back. Knowing her new dilemma...I put her down on her back to go to the bathroom and when I came back in the living room moments later I found Riley had rolled off her mat a few feet...I guess she remembered how to roll from back to belly AND belly to back a few times!

Riley loves to get her diaper changed! She is such a little girl when it comes to her diaper. She whines to get her diaper changed and then once you put a clean diaper on her she POOPS! She will not poop in a dirty diaper! AND then when you are changing her diaper she straightens her legs as strong as she can so that you don't put the diaper back on her so quickly. She like to lay there NAKED for a little while. She is too funny on the changing table!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

We love our DADDY!

Waking up in the morning is the best with Riley. She is always full of smiles and coos. You can't just lay there though... you have to PLAY! Daddy got to sleep in on Father's Day a little BUT then it was playtime! You can't miss this time with Riley no matter how tired you are. AND in ONLY a few more days it will be SUMMER VACATION and Ryan will really get to enjoy this time with us. How fun this summer is going to be!! :)

Happy Father's Day!

Ryan was super excited for his 1st Father's Day because he was taking his daughter for her 1st flight in an airplane!!

And...she slept the whole flight there and back. (usually I sleep on the plane rides)

We took a short flight to lunch. Riley had fun playing in the plane as Ryan put everything away. She really liked the salty headphones. One day they will fit.

Riley had a great 1st flight and I know she will be ready for all of our fun flights being planned for the summer. We are so lucky to have a PILOT for a daddy. Now he has 2 Co-Pilots! :)

Happy Daddy Day!