Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Taggie Lovey

She is passed out on me with her "lovies"... Riley loves her monkey "lovey" and now I made her a taggie "lovey!"

Everyone needs a lovey!!! My lovey growing up was my Teddy... ok ok he is still my lovey... I (Ryan now too!!) sleep with Teddy every night. A lovey (according to the mommy group) is a blankie, stuffed animal or something cuddly that you become attached to and helps you relax. They say this is a great way to help the baby comfort themselves. Many babies will become attached to their lovey. (my parents had to drive back many times to get Teddy...Maine?!?!) A lovey is something very special. Whats your lovey?

Babies also love to play with the tags on things. This soft blankie has little tags hanging from the sides for Riley to play with. There is a company that makes these Taggies. They have lots of great products... but I decided I wanted to make Riley one myself. I made it tonight and she already started to grab onto them!

Anyway I had fun figuring out and making the taggie lovey for Riley. What I did was...
. cut 2 pieces of fabric
. faced the front sides of the fabric together (looks inside out)
. folded ribbons inside and in-between the fabrics
. pinned the ribbon and fabric in place
. sewed the fabric together except 1 corner
. pulled the fabric through the hole turning it the correct way
. sewed the little corner that was open to close the blankie

It was that easy! If my directions are hard to understand check out this website.

Hmmm... this is going to make a great baby gift. (Liz have your baby already! The Magic 8 Ball said this week!!!)

1 comment:

Shannon said...

You are quite the crafty mama! These taggies seem to be all the rage now a days! I bet little Miss Riley is going to LOVE it!