Tuesday, April 08, 2008

3 hour Stretch

Tonight when you go to sleep think of all those new moms out there. I do not sleep more than 3 hours in any given time. I would love to roll over and fall back asleep but instead I am woken up to this cute little face wanted to be fed then burped. Lucky for her she is so cute.

So next time you see a mom walking around really not put together like she used to... remember not to make judgments and think when I am a mom I will never be like that. Instead think of what you would look like after only 3 hours of sleep a day for a long time...and think WOW! on 3 hours of sleep she looks really good!


Rachel said...

ahhh, i remember those long nights all too well... now abby sleeps through the night for 12 hours. your time will come before ya know it:)

Esther said...

Casey I feel your pain! I am happy if I can find time to put make-up on. You have a beautiful baby. Love all the pics!