Sunday, August 24, 2008

free fall

Start singing Tom Petty's song... "And I am FREE... Free falling..." Grampy decided to take the jump today. He jumped out of a perfectly good airplane today. My dad, Danny, Jim and Mario fell to the ground and landed safely. Here are some photos from the day... there will be more to come soon. Check back here for an update.
The guy who jumped with my dad never had such a calm and relaxed guy strapped to him. He was a little nervous that my dad wasn't. The same guy jumped with Jim later that day. On his way out of the plane he hit is head. All Jim heard was "OH NO!" and then they started tumbling... luckily he was quickly able to get a grip on himself and straighten out. Can you imagine being up there?!!?! AHH!! I think I will stick to Ryan landing the plan with me strapped in the seat. Just a thought. haha! 

Grampy will do anything to surprise you!

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