Another birthday party? Oh just wait this just the start of Riley's Birthday SEASON!! haha!
I know we had a Playgroup Bithday Party... but on the playgroup around your birthday it is only appropriate to have a little cupcake celebration. This playgroup we honored Sophia, Ana (the big 40!) and Riley...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! We love this song now!!
Don't cry Rylee... I'll share my toy with you and make it all better! Us Riley/Rylees better stick together!
Poor Will and Pike! Their moms wanted to see what they would look like... and if they really did look like boys... This will come back and haunt them one day. lol
OH NO!! See you can't look away with Riley! She is now a climber!!
This party was at Sophia's house... last time we were here we all got the BAD stomach bug afterwards. After we left this time we found out Riley go the flu and a double ear ache the next day... along with a few other babies. No more playgroup here! Just kidding... or am I???
Friday, February 27, 2009
Playgroup CUPCAKES!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
School Photos
Riley stopped in school today to visit. We were setting up a portrait studio to take photos of the Bethel High Alumni that work in the district to put on a wall in the NEW Bethel High School. Riley watched people get their photo taken and then came over and tried to climb up on the seat for a photo herself. We sat her on the seat and couldn't get over how still she sat! AND how she looked right at the camera with her little smile! Riley NEVER sits still... AND she really does get what to do with the camera in front of her! haha! She must have been watching us tell everyone what to do so much that she thought it would be easier if she just showed everyone! Riley is one smart cookie!! (and a ham in front of the camera too!)
You think she is ready to work for Bethel??
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
I CAN'T walk out of the room for 20 seconds...
This is a reenactment...
This is why I can no longer walk out of the room for 20 seconds. I feel like I am back in the classroom begging someone to come and save me so I can take a bathroom break! She is not even 1 yet!!!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Dante's Christening
Riley was told by Elizabeth to stay in the church during Dante's Christening. She was not to go in the baby room. Well... I was taking photos and Ryan was video taping. Marisa offered to play with Riley in the pews... haha! in the pews... Riley had a different agenda.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Sharing with Pike
Riley loves her buddy Pike! She also LOVES his pacifier. Funny thing is Riley wont take a pacifier if we give it to her... only Pikes!Poor Pike would rather listen to the story and keep his pacifier...
HAHA! Got it! :)
Look how proud of herself she is! Just think of it as she is teaching Pike to share. Oh Riley!!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Happy Birthday Grampy!
Happy Birthday Grampy!
Happy Birthday to my Grampy!
He is the guy who comes and plays with me when my mommy goes to work!
He is the old man who only cares that I take naps when he needs his nap other wise he doesn't care if I take naps because he wants to play with me all day.
Grampy is the scientist who watches Sid the Science Kid with me and then takes me to the playroom to do our own science experiments.
Grampy has reports everyday when mommy and daddy come home on the new behaviors I am learning and what they can do to help me develop.
He is also the chef who creates new foods for me to try... I am a picky eater!
Grampy is brave and will take me to a free music class with all breastfeeding moms and a crazy singing teacher.
He also takes beautiful photos of me and my friends whenever he gets a chance.
Grampy is my reading teacher too... Your baby can read, really does work!
Grampy lets me fall asleep on him.
Grampy also got a BLUE Smart Car just for me and him... and it only fits me and my Grampy!
He also doesn't care when I make a mess in the house, on him with my food, in my diaper...he says a mess means we are having fun.
He is the best when it comes to showing me off and telling everyone he come in contact with a story about me. His boss even tells me what a proud Grampy I have!
Grampy is the best! I am lucky to have such a cool Grampy!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Yummy Yummy!
One day Riley LOVES to eat the next she refuses. One day Riley LOVES a specific food and can't get enough of it. The next day you can't bring the food anywhere near her. I know this is a common trait of a toddler... and it does make feeding time VERY interesting!
We end up taking a bunch of different foods out and introduce them to her slowly... if she likes it then we keep going with it for a while. If not we try again with another and even revisit what she didn't like a minute ago. She is like New England weather... you don't like it? Wait a minute it will change again. lol
Riley usually LOVES food with a lot of flavor. Meatballs, Pepperoni Rolls, Grilled Cheese, French Toast, Fruit, Humus, Yogurt, Pizza... But the key here is she likes to feed it to herself! She is a big kid now! lol She can do it herself! lol Spoon fed? Blah! Oh Riley you are sooo silly!
One thing we did find out that was working great for a little while... We were trying to ween her and get her to like Whole Milk. BUT Riley does not care for it much. She would rather play with the sippy cup. UNTIL we put a little chocolate syrup in the cup... MMMM! We will see how long this lasts!
Monday, February 09, 2009
Teacher Playdate
Riley was so excited today for her friends to come over. Lorin, Kristy and Jill (all teachers) came over to play with their babies. We didn't talk about CMTs, the kids in our class (or former class) OR any of the school lunch room talk... We had a nice relaxing time sharing stories about the babies.
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
I love Mikey
One of Riley's "little" buddies came over to play. Little Mikey isn't so little anymore. He is catching up on you Riley! Mikey came over today with a special shirt for Riley... it says "Daddy's Co Pilot." This summer Riley and Mikey are going to learn to FLY with their dads. Yes Mikey is going to learn to fly before he can sit up... his dad is an amazing flight instructor I tell you! :) We are looking forward to the adventures in the air that we will be taking with Mikey and Riley!
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
the pictures speak for themselves
p.s. Check back soon I will be catching up on the blogging... we have been busy around here!
Monday, February 02, 2009
11 Months
How is it that less than 1 month I will have a 1 year old on my hands?
The funny thing is with her on the go I feel like I already have to deal with some "toddler issues." Miss Riley is already becoming Miss Independent. She would rather walk on her own then me carry her. She knows what she wants and will let you know by pointing and our favorite screaming while grabbing until she gets it. If you try to change her mind once her mind is made up... good luck! I guess we knew from the start that Riley is going to be a strong girl! She never liked being cuddled or held facing in. She wanted to look the world straight on.
Riley continues to be curious and test her own limits. Climbing up the stairs, walking down the step into her room and over the ledge to the play area. She is starting to climb and lift herself onto objects... or into toy baskets. This little girl is incredible! I lover to watch the new mischief that she gets into every day.
However as brave as she is she is beginning to enjoy cuddling... especially with a good book. She loves to play with her dolls. She has a few that she is always carrying around with her. She not just carries them, she takes care of them too! Riley loves giving her dolls kisses, rocking them, dancing with them, feed them, wash their face or blow their nose and put them to bed. It is too cute to watch.! Riley also loves to read books, sing on her microphone and talk on Skype. (if you have an account let us know... she loves it!)
Wow! Our little Riley is growing up! It crazy when you think about how much has changed in this past year. And to think we have another NEW year coming upon us in a month!
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Yeah Riley is really paying attention at church today...
Super Bowl Sunday
Riley was being coached by Ed how to run FAST to make the touchdown at the Guliano's house on Super Bowl Sunday. Too bad Riley forgot the ball while running to make the touchdown.