Monday, February 02, 2009

11 Months

How is it that less than 1 month I will have a 1 year old on my hands?

The funny thing is with her on the go I feel like I already have to deal with some "toddler issues." Miss Riley is already becoming Miss Independent. She would rather walk on her own then me carry her. She knows what she wants and will let you know by pointing and our favorite screaming while grabbing until she gets it. If you try to change her mind once her mind is made up... good luck! I guess we knew from the start that Riley is going to be a strong girl! She never liked being cuddled or held facing in. She wanted to look the world straight on.

Riley continues to be curious and test her own limits. Climbing up the stairs, walking down the step into her room and over the ledge to the play area. She is starting to climb and lift herself onto objects... or into toy baskets. This little girl is incredible! I lover to watch the new mischief that she gets into every day.

However as brave as she is she is beginning to enjoy cuddling... especially with a good book. She loves to play with her dolls. She has a few that she is always carrying around with her. She not just carries them, she takes care of them too! Riley loves giving her dolls kisses, rocking them, dancing with them, feed them, wash their face or blow their nose and put them to bed. It is too cute to watch.! Riley also loves to read books, sing on her microphone and talk on Skype. (if you have an account let us know... she loves it!)

Wow! Our little Riley is growing up! It crazy when you think about how much has changed in this past year. And to think we have another NEW year coming upon us in a month!

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