Tuesday, May 13, 2008

each moment

I can't believe Riley has been around for 2 1/2 months. It seems like she has been here forever but yet everyday is such a new day and I stop to think how fast time flies. I am taking in each moment of my time off with Riley. We try to do as much as we can and make the most of everyday. It is great spending time with her. I didn't think I would like staying home all the time but it is like a LONG summer vacation. We keep busy and have fun everyday. It is funny that I was telling a friend what we did today and taking a shower was one of the highlights of the day. haha! Do you understand what an accomplishment that is to a new mom?!? But don't get me wrong we do have "real" fun too! We have made a lot of new friends. We go walking everywhere during this nice weather. Riley and I have a blast together! Although it is really funny that Ryan and my dinner conversations now somehow always end up talking about Riley's poop. Things have changed. But it really is great that now the little things really do get us so excited.

I like that the little things amuse us now. It reminds us not take life so seriously. Life is too short to take seriously. We should have more conversations about Riley's poop... or be able to laugh as anything, hey Riley laughs at the little noises we make for her monkey blanket. Riley can just sit there and explore the room with her eyes...she enjoys just sitting there (sometimes). We should be able to smile when passing gas. Enjoy life. Discover new things. Take in each new moment. Staying home with Riley is making me look at each day differently... or is it the lack of sleep that is making me this way?!?

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