Sunday, May 18, 2008

Old Youth Groupers BBQ

Last night we had a bunch of our old school youth groupers over for a BBQ after Burn's Wedding. It was great to catch up with some of old friends that we do not get to see all the time. We pulled out a few of our old photos and videos that we made years ago. CRAZY looking back on all the old memories! (long top, pranks, the frozen underwear, trips, real world video, the beast, tic tac club)

Riley's 1st BBQ and Bocci game out in our backyard!

It really has been too long since we have been in touch with some of these friends. Hopefully we can do it again soon! (and with some the group that wasn't there)

1 comment:

Rachel said...

can't wait to do this again. looking forward to our family photo shoot!